Recommended Books

 There is a season for every book, and there is a book for every season.

Come with me as I share the books that helped lift me up through the hard and soft times.

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Original Wisdom : Harness the Power of the Authetic You by Donna Bond


 Book Review

We often ask ourselves, Why am I here? What is my purpose? All the answers are found in this book. Finally, for the first time, things make sense. All that we seek is found within.

Just as the body can heal itself when given the right circumstances, it does find its way back to the spirit. Given the right circumstances, we will find our way to our authentic selves.

If you ever wondered if there are things bigger than us, well, there are, and they are within us; they are us.

I would recommend this book to all those people who have done it all but still have that feeling that something is missing, for people who feel that void.

If you feel disconnected from the world and from yourself, this book might just help.

Rediscovering The Wisdom of Human Nature: How Civilisation Destroys Happiness by Chet Shupe

Book Review 

What Chet Shupe has presented to us in this book is beyond the imaginable but you can feel that it is true, applying what Chet Shupe has spoken about is not easy but it’s not impossible either. Why I am saying that it is not easy? 

I have tried to implement what Chet talks about, to live for now and not the future but I couldn’t resist the urge to think about how it would be like when I have more money and buying that pair of shoes. 

You saw what just happened I left the present moment to seek comfort in futuristic things about what ‘would be’ instead of ‘what is’. Chet Shupe’s message is mainly based on that, being in the present moment serving our species with full enjoyment of ‘what is’.

The brainwash is real, we were programmed to live for the future, a question like ‘Where do you see yourself in 5 years?’ is evidence. If you don’t have any future plans you are seen as someone who is just floating and unreliable nobody wants to be near that person who is just ‘winging it’ but we forget that just ‘winging it’ is part of being spontaneous.

Remember, the main goal is today; it's what you do NOW, not later.

I recommend this book to people who have goals and to people who don't have goals. 

To people who are sponatenous and to people who are not. 

It's not for us to make futuristic plans; it's for us to enjoy them. Who made them for us? The higher power, which is God, We are to be just like little children who manage to have fun in every situation. 

A day is but a lifetime; spend it well, 'doing' and not 'planning on doing'.
